Saturday, May 28, 2005

may27 - Ghostbusters army dog tag

Friday, and I have the day off. Start with a sixpack of beer. Not good. Don't drink a sixpack in the blazing sun! Don't drink, for that matter. Read two books and dismissed one. It was an Anne Frank's Diary kind of book, but Russian, and I never liked Russian writers. Can't even put up with Kafka, though he weren't Russian.

Got the army dog tag Ghostbusters pendant I ordered from eBay. It looked rather nice and I used it for the whole day. Matched my silver Ghostbusters logo ring nicely. I'm very fond of my logo ring, but everybody thinks it's ugly. I can't see it's ugly. To me, it's very pretty - my Mexican silver ring. Imagine that they make such things! I ordered a size out of the blue and it turned out to fit perfectly. Whenever I do something Ghostbusters related, I wear it. It's like it gives me a kind of power to continue.

Fell asleep after drinking the beer, so the afternoon was wasted. Had a terrible headache when I woke up, so I tried to read a book with dim light on. It was about a liver transplant and I actually finished it that evening. Couldn't sleep in the night. Too bad my medication makes it impossible for me to eat painkillers.