Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 20 - Metro tattoo

Wasn’t seeing my shrink, as she cancelled again. Watched three taped episodes of “Heroes” together with my boyfriend. They were excellent! It’s uncommon to follow a series with such pleasure. Okay, the script is wonky, but the actors and all the rest is great. You somewhat forgive the lame storyline. Learned that the series is popular around the world. Ought to be.

Isn’t that stupid comment poll of the Metro internet magazine ever gonna go away? I happened to state that I understand the guy who got himself Nintendo tattoos all over his arm, and however he’ll be regretting it next year. That I waited over ten years of GB love before I had my tattoo made... after all, Super Mario love and GB love turned into a tattoo must correspond. The subject still hasn’t disappeared, and it’s been like a fortnight. Wouldn’t have written anything if I knew it was gonna stay for that long. Feel stupid.