Sunday, October 02, 2005

October 1 - Watching RGB

I did it! I was so bored with grinding in the PC game World of Warcraft that I dragged the small TV into the computer room and started watching RGB tapes simultaneously. Why haven't I watched them for so long? Well, the anti campaign from many years ago. I've been reminded by how they flamed and hated, remembered it if I watch RGB, so I couldn't. Not until now, really.

Then I wanted to write RGB stories. Just one story, even. I know people don't like them and hardly even read them, but to write one for me, for pleasure only. Imagine diving into a new episode no one but me has watched, that exists only within that unread story. To get to know the guys again, as I love them so much.

I mean, in World of Warcraft, the online game, my character's name is Egon and he's a tall blond elf. He runs around with his pet panther Slimer. Got totally stuck with that guy at level 41, as I have to play with others to go further. I can't play with others. I get all worked up and confused. They all said I suck. If I suck at something, I quit. Problem is that I'm on the sick list and have nothing to do... thus, I want to write RGB again. Really don't feel like starting all over and repeat everything with a new character.

Bought the DVD collection of RGB episodes. I haven't been able to watch them because of how it came to a devastating end years ago, in that hate campaign or whatever I should call it. Watched two eps, but those I had on my British real legal DVDs so I saw them already in the corner of my eye, mostly listening. Whatever.