Tuesday, December 06, 2005

December 6 - wanna write!

Alone today. Thought about writing, but sure enough it was impossible. Drawing - I totally quit. They don't like my RGB, so I don't do any. Every day I wish I could write and draw RGB, but how? All the flashbacks! No way. They sure knew how to throw me down a dark empty pit.

Read about Dave Peltzer's brother Richard. He too grew up in hell, like his sibling. Can read some, as long as it's not too much politics. Quit playing World of Warcraft. My latest avatar, Venkman, is put to rest - just like Égon. Don't think I'll be doing it again.

Man, how I wish I could write RGB! It was the best thing, except for watching an episode I never saw, and as I've seen all of them it's down to writing. Lonely here, just me and a few beers. Playing a Nena CD, having ordered a Ben autograph and his first CD from eBay. Lucky me - I found it, finally! Noting GB to bid for, except some golden charm that wouldn't be shipped to Europe. It's always that problem. There are more nice watches and maybe I'll buy one that you can dive while wearing. My current GB watch is nice enough, so maybe I won't bid.

As I said, it's quite lonely. Tomorrow I'll be getting my digital camera and I'll try take nice RGB experimental photos. That's tomorrow. Today's beer evening.