Tuesday, January 03, 2006

January 1 - No GB bumper sticker

Happy happy New Year. Could barely get up in the morning, even as I got to bed at about 2AM. My boyfriend tried to bet for a GB bumper sticker on eBay, which was from 1984 and said "This car is protected by Ghostbusters", but I didn't win as he got stressed and goofed up.

We were celebrating my sister's birthday, and mine, in the afternoon. I got a turtle necklace, which I probably won't wear much as it clashes with my pretty GB pendant necklace. The guests didn't stay for long, just over two hours, and afterwards I was so pooped that I fell asleep.

This is pretty much the way it goes when I'm away somewhere. I sleep. I was abandoned by my boyfriend for the better part of the day, and when I was supposed to go to sleep at night I just sat bolt upright and had terrible angst for two hours. Barely could close my eyes, and if I did, I couldn't open them. Everything was getting to me. When he came back at midnight, things got better and I could finally get some rest.