Sunday, December 25, 2005

December 25 - this ain't X-mas

Well, today ain't X-mas. Today's when everybody's having a hangover. I too drank yesterday, but I didn't have to drive until today, as we spent the night sleeping at his parent's place. I mustn't drink as I'm on so much medication, but as my shrink put it once, "you gotta live". Speaking of medication, I'm off lithium and poooof went 15 pounds, just like that! Now I'm almost slim again. This is very relieving.

Dared to sneak into forums of the GB site and still there were really irritating posts about new GB songs. I mean, Marbrax? What year was that a new one? I got Bold and published a list of most of my songs. It got rather lengthy, so I think they'll remove it. Boo cares.

Thought about writing my Egonia again, the novel. It's hard, you know. If I just get the flow! I have this barrier the RGB fanfic list put there. I twist and turn to get just one more chapter roughly shaped, but my mind's blank. Now I came up with the idea to put them in a town and just see what'll happen. Something must happen, right? I might poke one of Egon's/Egane's eyes out, if nothing else.