January 23 - RGB duvet covers
Got some stuff which I ordered off eBay, like the very cheap GB plaquette with a few film frames and a logo. Looks nice. No room for more GB stuff on walls, though. Then I got the first NOW Slimer issue really cheap. Maybe I can burn it in some ritual.
Had been monitoring two duvet covers with RGB print, that nice one where the guys chase Slimer with Ecto. I was rubbing my hands with pleasure when it seemed as if I was gonna win it for just two pounds, but then some guy started bidding when there was thirty seconds left and I won it for seven pounds. If I wanna win, I win. As the shipping cost more than seven pounds, I think it was very cheap and I'm greatly satisfied with my find. Those covers are rare, and I got two. Whee!
Whatched "Supernanny" in the evening. Never ever am I gonna get kids! Ewww! They are like little devils. Afterwards we were pleased to find out that they air American Idol with just a few days delay! It was so unbelievable, especially the guy singing Star Spangled Banner dressed as Lady Libby. He got thrown out. I'll have to say that the Swedish version of Idol is much meaner. Like, the judge who said he wished the competing girl had been on the sinking ferry ten years ago, when a thousand people died. That's not even mean, that's mental.
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