Thursday, January 26, 2006

January 24 - Bad day

My boyfriend went to the university where he studies and I was supposed to go to adultgarten for a painting session. Figured out I was too depressed. Pondered if I could get out of bed at all. Pondered how I was supposed to make the call and say I wasn't gonna show, but unplugged the phone instead. I always try to the things I should, high moral they call it, but I was too angsty to make a call. Drank a load of beer, eventually, and tried to play World of Warcraft. My new char is Alynda, like the main char of my novel Egonia. Got too worried when some guy wanted to make a party and thus turned off the 'puter.

Bad day. Hard to take a shower. Hard to read. Couldn't put the Good Sign GB silver ring on. Dressed in black. Well, I usually do. When my boyfriend came home he said had bought the excellent Laleh album, but I couldn't listen to it. We watched Michael Palin in Himalaya, a good BBC production.