Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sven Svensson x4

Today is our National day, but doesn’t really mean much in terms of celebration. We’ve been in no war since 1814, and the cause for us to pick today’s date is because Gustav Vasa became King in 1523. National day is mostly known for causing anti-immigration rallies.

Learned that my maternal great great great grandfather something participated in pulling the priest down from the stand when he was supposed to preach at Christmas Mass, because the priest was drunk. That’s pretty cool. My ancestor’s name was Sven Svensson, but there are no less than four Sven Svensson in a row in my family roots. So, can’t be sure which one it was. I can imagine it must have been hard to tell them apart back then, as they all lived in the same small village. Oh, and the first Sven Svensson’s father’s name was Sven. A bit puzzling. My boyfriend’s additional first name is Sven, and he got it from his uncle Sven. I’m haunted by Svens! My boyfriend’s Dad’s additional first name is Egon… that I like.