Wednesday, June 08, 2005

June4 - Arriving, and Hosen

After checking in, we looked at some bookshops and a CD store. I bought the new Gorillaz album, the new Farin Urlaub album, a Nena collection on sale, an Ärzte DVD and the Sinbad DVD with optional German voiceovers. My favorite voiceover guy Ben Völz is on that Sinbad version, I read, and he's my special Egon. It was for sale, so if I had the wrong information I didn't lose much money.

Also found two nice Paul Klee books, who's my favorite painter. Then I got wild and crazy and bought a pocket book about a British guy traveling around Ireland with a fridge. What an adventure that must be.

People looked at me in a strange way that day because I was wearing a Toten Hosen tee. They have a sort of bad reputation, being a punk band and everything. Now and then I saw other people in town wearing Hosen tees, waiting for the band. We got to the concert hall just on time and I was searched for the first time in my life. No bombs, no knives. Had to wait for two hours until some crappy band played for half an hour. It was very warm and damp.

Then, havoc! The Hosen got on stage and I was swept away some fifteen feet with the crowd, scrambling to keep standing. I fought myself free and rushed back to my boyfriend. People were jumping and sprawling at the same time, some were making fights at random, and I couldn't see the band. It was like the band wasn't there, that someone put on a DVD and it was just a film. After about three songs I panicked and started crying, wanting to get out of there. I knew the Hosen fans were bad, but not so bad that they could cause serious injuries! Still I do know people have gotten killed during their concerts. Boyfriends dragged their girls backwards through the crowd to left and right, and at the point where I got kicked in the head we got back to the other end of the hall. I wished I had never gone to the concert.