Friday, June 12, 2009

Pseudologia fantastica

Stupid people, booking two of my library books. Had to make an unplanned excursion to town in order to return them. Got the book I was listed for, which I even encouraged the library to buy - one about the alleged worst serial killer ever in Sweden. Only that hes a heavily medicated pathological liar, convicted on eight accounts of murder and saying he commited 33 murders. Off topic - interesting suggestion, “mythomania” is altered into “myth mania” in this word processing program. Had to google that, and it seems to be a childrens book. Anyway, finished the book about the “murderer“ Quick, all in one read. Legal justice never stops baffling me, being so mistreated. I have no trust in it. Court justice hasn’t got much to do with truth.

Why is it I forget what book I read just the other day? Can read, at least sometimes, but seldom comprehend or remember much. At least I aint on comic magazine level at the moment. Seems pointless to read this much when it doesn’t stick. Often I look at a book at the library and cant remember if I read it, even if it was released just one or two years earlier. Okay if it’s a magazine, but a whole book? Then I look in a comic I havent read since I was ten, tops, and remember every panel.

There is an Egon Spengler versus Barton Fink on this week. Called “Spangler”, though. Was an almost identical entry a month ago. I like that, but still it feels very uncomfortable to see something about the Ghostbusters on the internet. Doesn’t seem I will ever get over that feeling. Im sure no one remember my contributions and still is out to hurt and ridicule me. I don’t believe something, or someone, will randomly lash out at me in person if totallylookslike includes one or two Ghostbusters photos, but I get the chills and try to block whatever might come at me.

I cant estimate how many hours I reasoned with myself that I should give up the guys and forget about it all. Is it an aspie curse? My fan tattoo wont rub off, and being a fan is under my skin.What if other fans were… nice. Cant believe Im even pondering that.