Wednesday, March 22, 2006

March 16 – No GB book

Had ordered the Fisch Ghostbusters novel long ago, but now Amazon bookstore sent a mail about how they haven’t been able to find a copy. Crap! The other books I ordered weren’t necessary, but this one was. Now I have to order it off an expensive Swedish bookstore. At least they have the novel in stock. The novel seems to be hard to come by. I’ve checked eBay for a long time to find a copy, and to let the price drop, but instead they sold out every copy everywhere. When her new GB book’s coming out, I’m gonna buy it right away.

Read two wonderful novels today. One was Margaret Atwood’s latest, “The Penelopiad”. She’s my favorite author and a new novel is always nice. It’s a clever novel about Odyssev’s wife Penelope. Then I read Jonathan Safran Foer’s “Extremely loud and incredibly close”, which is a gem. Couldn’t put it down until it was finished. It’s about the young boy Oskar and his search to come closer to his Dad, who died in September 11. I’m sure Oskar’s an asperger. I kinda recognize myself in him.

Otherwise, I play World of Warcraft a bit. It’s fun to level with Alynda, as I’m pretty wealthy and can buy top notch clothes with good stats. I’m quite a loner and never join groups, and I rarely talk in guild chat, but the other day I got drunk and revealed I’m a Ghostbusters collector. The guild master was quite drunk too, and said that’s okay, as he collect old weapons and Spawn stuff. After that I’m extremely quiet and ashamed when it comes to chatting. I mustn’t ever mention my passion! It only leads to bad things.