Thursday, September 10, 2009

Waiting for October 23rd

Supposed to go to my “shrink” today, but cancelled because she’s ill. She cancels rather frequently, but today it’s okay, because I don’t feel perky.

The Swedish astronaut Fuglesang is leaving ISS now and going back to Earth. I’ve been worrying about him, but so far so good. In his book, which I read a few months ago, he wrote about undergoing simulation training in the US. One snippet in particular fascinated me, about the cultural differences. He thought it would be enough to have consumed American TV and literature all his life, but talking to people left him confused and unsure. As when being told he did something “Excellent!” meaning anything from great to so-so.

My boyfriend’s ill in bed, the monthly panic attack coming up. During the two weeks I had all my symptoms there was no use talking to him about them, because he insisted I had panic attacks. I’m not surprised it was lyme disease. Doesn’t seem he believes there are other kinds of health conditions than his. Yesterday I could cook and eat dinner, but today I haven’t been able to. Losing weight, but I don’t mind.

Learned that the Xbox360 Ghostbusters game will be released October 23rd. Adding an Egon drawing to celebrate.