Lyme disease again
Okay, so now it seems I know why I’ve been having all these symptoms. Discovered a large mark below my shoulder that can be nothing but a lyme disease rash. Got borrelios again! Thought it was enough to get it once in life. Don’t see many ticks munching on me, but out of the one digit number of ticks I remember removing, surely I have to get lyme disease ruddy twice. Worst thing is that I have to call a nurse, and I have such bad experience with the health care system that I rather just keep it to myself. Last time, the doctor assumed I was making things up and I had to ask him if he didn’t want to see the typical circular rash from where I removed a tick. The drug prescription was too short, according to what I read on the web, and I never really recovered. He didn't care to take a lab sample and this time there’s no use anyway, because if you had it once, you can’t tell if it’s a new infection or if it's old antibodies.
Thought I had enough health conditions already… don’t need some stupid lyme disease. Have the signs of encephalitis, because my neck is stiff, have a odd headache and I’m even worse off mentally and memory-wise than usual, but I don’t really care. Watched the movie “Awakenings” the other day, because I’m a huge Oliver Sacks fan, so now I’m telling my boyfriend maybe I should get some L-Dopa before I go catatonic.
Strange thing happened yesterday! Dreamed about the band Die Ärzte, as I mentioned in the blog, so I played the album “13” from 1995. I almost never play CDs, because at work they tortured me with two or three commercial music radio stations at once, pointing all speakers at me deliberately, for two years. Ask any asperger and you’ll know why this is extra tough. I can’t put up with music very well after that. After the song “Männer sind Schweine” I turned off the stereo and flicked on the satellite receiver, because my boyfriend wanted to watch a German soccer game and I had to fix the cables. The music channel VIVA came on, and they just started airing that very Ärzte video! They don’t show Ärzte alot, and what are the odds they’d play that old video? I don’t even watch satellite TV, and never VIVA!
Amusing video, featuring Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. I even own a tee. The singer Farin referred to the expenses of the computer animations in 1995 by saying “Don’t try this at home, kids”. The CD version has the voice of Winston in it, that’s so sweet. For many years my boyfriend thought “Die Ärzte” meant “The Peas”, but it’s “The Doctors”, which was amusing to correct. Peas… lol. Sometimes I wonder if he’s the one who’s half German, or if it’s me. I owe learning German to the Real Ghostbusters. Thanks for the lessons, guys.
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