May31 - Ben site
Overslept! Very bad indeed as I was having my weaving course. Missed it. There was havoc square at adult kindergarten - so much people and so much noise. I got stressed and just wanted to go home. Tried to read the newspaper, but couldn't. There was just half as much food as there should be, so I didn't get any. Doesn't improve mood, such incidents. Towards the end of the day things calmed.
They said we must phone every morning to say we're showing! That new guy said it's a rule from now on. I thought I should quit going to the place, since I have a phoning phobia. A severe one. But, no one must be excused from the Rule. Twenty people must get up at eight in the morning and make that call. Man. You don't do that anywhere else, do you? It's as if it were communism.
Dined at a Thai restaurant before I went home, since I was so hungry and hadn't eaten anything for that whole day. Got the Real Ghostbusters portable radio I had ordered in the beginning of March. It was cute, but it was pink. I hate pink! Thought it was red. Oh well, I like it even so. Paid bills, including the one for "my" cat at the homeless cats' place on the next street. Her name's Sweetie and she's got no tail.
My boyfriend had been so nice and checked Ben's site for boobietraps, but there weren't any. He seems a bit weird, though. Weird guys may have nice voices, but it doesn't make them less weird. You can order his CDs and LPs from that site, but what if he handles the orders himself? Eeep! I want those CDs, I love the songs I heard samples of, but my e-mail address contains "ghostbusters" and it's pretty obvious why I want his stuff. My other e-mail address contains Janine Melnitz and that too is very obvious to him. Aw, stupid Internet! Why does he have to know about me already? How many Swedish girls are writing him and asking for autograph but getting none, "mentioning" him on the... hm... most informative page on the Net, and then wants his not so commonly known CDs? Just me.
Speaking of CDs, I must have the new Gorillaz CD.