June16 - Hate crime
Today was gonna be the last day of the adult kindergarten I attended for two and a half year. What happens? After some rather boring start I get left alone with two wannabe bitches and they ignore me, talking about uninteresting shit anyway. When they say it's nice weather and they wanna go outside, I seize the moment and turn on my Gorillaz CD, very low. They come back after some fifteen minutes and soon enough they start talking to each other how slow and braindead the music is, that they have to turn it off. They knew I turned it on and that I hear what they say, as I sit just a few feet away and no one else is in the room.
One of them cry out it's those yucky Gorillaz and that they're gonna turn on the radio. Ignoring me, still. I get up, say that I will indeed remove that CD if it's such a bother to them, and I go help for an hour in the kitchen. They don't respond. When yet another hour pass by and I have no one to talk to, I say "fuck this!" to myself and go to the car. I'm gonna leave this shit. I'm going home.
Unfortunately, one of the employees catch me just before I leave, but I insisted that I'd go home, and off I went. It was my goodbye celebration dinner and those bitches treated me like dirt. I wanted to have nothing to do with them. To hell with the dinner and goodbye present. The others didn't show up, even. That's so very typical. I hate that place! I hate those two bitches. They're so immature and rude.
Drank a meed, which tasted like beer bytheway, and finished the Annika Östberg book. It's very hot and I don't know how to spend the evening. I'm depressed and my boyfriend's watching several soccer games.
Last night I dreamed I was very good at drawing and made a Real Ghostbusters/Superman crossover comic. It got awfully nice and when I woke up, I thought that's really a sort of plot. Drawing Superman, I did that on so few occasions and still I collected the comics since I was seven years old.