Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 21 - Finnish pins

Seem to have snapped outta sleeping mode. My boyfriend’s not home, but having a meal with a guy he met while excavating a site in Greece. Feels odd to be home alone. He’s always around.

I’m watching some old tapes from 1990, currently “Lost and foundry”. It includes the legendary omnios quote “These are no ordinary cans” by Egon. Or, not so legendary. Whatever. Awfully sweet guys they are. Probably no one else have these old copies of the Swedish voiceover shows. What a shame. Really want a video card for this comp, in order to digitalize the eps, to prevent them from fading away. Maybe I could make audio captures of it all.

Was gonna buy four enamel pins of the RGBs, but had second thoughts when I reconed the seller was stationed in Finland. Getting stuff from Hong Kong was a bad enough experience, so I reluctantly let the pins slip and let them be won by guy for six dollars plus shipping. “Ghostbusted” hates not winning an auction! What’s a Finnish seller doing on a Swedish auction site, anyway? May thee and thy temptations be banned!

September 20 - Metro tattoo

Wasn’t seeing my shrink, as she cancelled again. Watched three taped episodes of “Heroes” together with my boyfriend. They were excellent! It’s uncommon to follow a series with such pleasure. Okay, the script is wonky, but the actors and all the rest is great. You somewhat forgive the lame storyline. Learned that the series is popular around the world. Ought to be.

Isn’t that stupid comment poll of the Metro internet magazine ever gonna go away? I happened to state that I understand the guy who got himself Nintendo tattoos all over his arm, and however he’ll be regretting it next year. That I waited over ten years of GB love before I had my tattoo made... after all, Super Mario love and GB love turned into a tattoo must correspond. The subject still hasn’t disappeared, and it’s been like a fortnight. Wouldn’t have written anything if I knew it was gonna stay for that long. Feel stupid.

September 19 - Cat spots ghost. Run, cat, run!

My boyfriend said he watched a tv-show about “real ghost photos” on the Internet, and soon enough an ”evil presence” seemed to have joined him. Our cat Decibel got increasingly agitated, looking towards the door and the assumed presence, and after some time she ran out like she saw something. I’ve known my little girl for eleven years, and she never did that. Her favorite spot is in the computer room, and she thought she’d rather leave it. My boyfriend thought the wibes were so unpleasent that he wanted to leave the room and go to bed. This “presence” didn’t agree about him leaving, so it followed him to to the bed after he stubbornly had finished watching the show. Me? Sleeping thru it all. It’s sleeping season.

September 18 - The Chinese Ghostbuster

18 Met my body therapy nurse for the second time. Being in a drowsy state, I agreed to postpone the exercises. Filled out a few forms, estemating my mood on a scale from one to a hundred points. Pointed out that’s rather hard, but that I figured that pondering on how to commit suicide at least every five minutes must count as a hundred. Now I was more of a generous eighty. We cut it early.

Picked up my “Chinese Ghostbuster” painting, which I ordered to be framed and put behind glass. Had it tucked away since I visited China last year, but thought I oughta do something about it. The story is: we were watching a Chinese guy talk about his art school and showing us a few paintings his school mates and teachers had made. He held up one of a “spirit hunter” and I knew I had to get that one. The price was reasonable, so right after the lecture I stepped forward and asked about that watercolor piece. “It’s the Chinese Ghostbuster!” he beamed and I was dumbfound. There was no Ghostbuster logo visible on me, no nothing. The rest is history, and the painting is mine.

September 15 - Mr Sandman land

Because of barely getting any sleep for almost 48 hours,in spite of sleeping-pills, I slept for three days. From weeks of little sleep to weeks of wanting to do nothing but sleep. I can’t say I did much else - hardly even eating.

September 14 - More action figures? Err...

Went to the body therapy nurse for the first time. My shrink said she didn’t know that I have a heap of pains and aches, so she figured I could see the nurse. After waiting some six months, I got an appointment. It went smooth. Really have this problem with people not fancying me after the first impression, but nurses and such are more tolerant, so we turned out getting along just fine. She asked me a bunch of questions and I had to sum up my shit, which I did on numerous occasions, so I got that part sorted out rather fast.

Someone mailed me about whether I was buying his three Kenner action figures. He said he’d rather ask a collector before putting them on internet aution. Needless to say, I have them already, uncarded as his – the policeman, the “scuba Ray” and the trashcan man. I’ll better get back to him. Cute to think of mailing me. Such auction figures can sell for an amazingly large amout of money around here, but on eBay they’re to be picked up for a buck.

September 13 - Ectomobile

Had to go to a large town nearby to check my car in order to keep it in traffic. I so don’t like finding my way around places I rarely went. Fortunately I found the way to the car tester building and let the guy enter my car. He kinda laughed smugly, as I looked spooked, casually displaying my Ghostbusters tattoo on my upper arm. The GB logo sunshades in the back seat windows, and a joyful Kenner action figure in the shape of Ray dangling from the rear window mirror – must be the traits of a madwoman. Ray, complete with proton pack and a plastic curvy proton beam which might poke you if the road’s bumpy. My car was okay, but needed a wash. I can live with that. Phew.

September 12 - The sound of Sony

Got the note saying that my six carded Extreme Ghostbusters action figures is waiting for me at the gas station. Hey, don’t ask – we don’t have any Post Office in Sweden. They were regarded as being too expensive to run, so the postal service sold out to gas stations and grocery stores. It’s been upside down ever since. Don’t try to find a place where to buy stamps. Go for e-mail.

(Sony snippet removed)

September 11 - $150 comic, plus 20 cent

Got a reply from the guy who wanted to sell me the Real Ghostbusters issue of January 1990 which was withdrawn and reprinted with a wholly different content. He said he forgot about the whole thing all through summer. Anyway, he’d been to a comic seller, learning that his copy was worth some 150 dollars. He congratulated me on having found it on an internet auction for 20 cent.

This kinda makes me wonder – if that issue was never released, the guy salvaging an issue, howcome it was let out in a heap of various used comics by someone else? Okay, I admit I heard about this fluke issue only from this guy, and then it promply happened to be listed cheaply on auction, but it’s still weird.

September 10 - Tourettes

One of them strange mood swings. First half of the day was unusually fine, but in a split second I plunged. Watched a great documentary about Tourettes, which means you have uncontrollable tics. The British guy was seeing people with other mental problems, like schizophrenia. As he used to be a talented concert pianist, this being his vent, he also visited a young autistic guy. He was so cute! This I had to tell my boyfriend, and he questioned if that little guy was blond and had glasses, which I reluctantly had to admit.

It was rather fascinating (ow, wrote that word without any hidden agenda) that the Tourettes man came to the conclution that the autistic boy seemed not to be very inspired, but rather cold regarding his gift of making great jazz music. An autist seeming not emotional? That’s a laugh. When did they ever? I’m writing this as aspergers is also called ”mild autism” and I have indeed read up on it. Poor man, he was on the quest of finding his love and fascination again, but I don’t think the inspiration is to be found in the excitement of an autist doing his thing. No offense.

September 9 - Morticia

In the evening I went out and walked a short bit down the woods, calling out for one of my cats in my silly cat-calling voice. It’s a very effective lure, as cats I never met will point their ears and join me, as well, but it sounds stupid indeed. It reminds of how sheperd girls call for their far away cattle.

Anyway, my little Morticia showed up, happy as happy can be. She was almost bouncing up and down in excitement. Let’s go to the forest! Let’s talk a walk! We ended up in the area of the little waterfall, as she lead me there, and we spent some quality time. It’s strange how all my cats love talking a walk.

September 8 - Goes bump in the night

Free channel airing Anime all night and I taped it. The first movie was the delightful “Spirited Away”, which I’ve already seen. My top gloop is Kaonashi, aka No-face.

When I was trying to sleep after midnight, my boyfriend was playing WoW, some instance I suppose. He’s a well respected member of his guild and will resume his duties of being the mage officer. Anyway, I got a bit of a shock when he slammed the computer room door really hard and got back in his chair, continuing to play. What was going on? He never did that before! He’s not the violent kind. That instance must be very frustrating.

Then, again, the door slamming! As the computer room is just next from the bedroom, there’s little chance I misunderstood where the sound came from. During the next half hour or so, the door had slammed some twenty times. Didn’t dare go ask him what was going on, as he apparently had gone mental. My ear was pounding with pain from the noise – I do have problems with sudden loud sounds already. The other ear I was pressing against my pillow.

When he stopped playing and tip-toed to our bedroom, sticking his head in just to fetch the cellphone charger, I lashed out: “What you think you’re doing!” and he froze. He said he didn’t mean to wake me. “You assume I manage to sleep when you slam the door like that?” I asked in an ironic voice. He didn’t think he slammed it, just opened and closed the doors very gently. “You banged it! At least twenty times! Full force! It just got worse!” and then we agreed that we didn’t agree.

How can your ear be pounding, and actually heat, due to all the noise, if it’s imagined? There even were the crunching and plopping sounds I get from too loud noise. I swear it was no dream. I heard every little thing he did – taping a re-run, fetching something from the fridge, moving about in the squeaky computer chair. Oh, and banging the door. He said it was probably paranormal, on my frequency. That I’ve been receptive lately. Bah. Humbug.

September 7 - Heal! Heal!

7 My boyfriend and I were talking about spirits and healing and stuff at night before going to sleep. For some reason we don’t do that much, even as we’ve encountered some odd stuff. He said he’d be clearing my aura and I go “yeah, right”, even as it seemed to work before. After talking some more, a peculiar sensation filled me, head to feet. “What’s that you’re doing?” I snapped. “I’m doing nothing,” he retorted. “But what’s that heat thing?” I urged to know. “I feel it too,” he said, and confirmed that he begun feeling it the same moment I did.

It was flowing back and forth, cleansing me, creating a calm I don’t get from anything. It must be what feeling okay means. Old phobias didn’t smack me in the face when I thought of them. Things were alright. I was thankful, thinking this I couldn’t be doing of my own, but no “presence” was in the room. Sometimes they’ll be cooping up in the bedroom, if we talk about paranormal stuff, one presence adding to the other, but this time it was just some mindless force.

The backlash came when I said “not” in a short comment after quite some time. That wonderful feeling faded rapidly. I so wanted it to start again, and my boyfriend was still experiencing it, but that was it. Figured that pronouncing a negation stopped the flow. How I missed it.

September 6 - The Heroes are rising

Was gonna se my shrink, but learned she’s not at work. In the evening my boyfriend and I watched the first episode of “Heroes”, that new TV-series. They started airing it on a free channel. I absolutely loved it! Super heroes is nothing new to me, thinking of how I’ve been reading, collecting and loving Superman for a whole 25 years. It’s tough to produce super hero series and movies, as it becomes a laugh, but this one’s good. My favorite Hero is the little japanese guy, Hiro.

September 5 - Meet Harold Raims

Had to go shopping for groceries. As usual, I was heebie-jeebies about driving. I picture an accident or two occuring because of my faulty driving. Not that I ever had an accident in thirteen years of driving, but if you’re paranoid, you’re... paranoid.

My boyfriend had stopped playing World of Warcraft for six months, but refused to delete the characters and stop paying the fee. I don’t play anymore since four months. Gave up after encountering rude people and being mistreated by a guild member when I dared to join a raid, finally, after two years of gaming. I’m too affected by my social phobia even to team up with some other Europeans and play. Way scared that I’d make the tiniest mistake. Alynda, Ghoulia and Egon, my main characters, will have put up with their long unruly rest. Above, Ghoulia in her early levels, meeting the NPC in World of Warcraft. No, the name is not a coincidence. Blessed be Blizzard.

September 4 - Viktor, boxed

Time for our cat shelter guy Viktor to get his annual vaccination. The photo shows when he’s sitting in a small cardboard box which used to contain a model Slimer I ordered from the US. That’s the sweetest photo I have.

We went to the vet, bringing Morticia and Decibel along. They too needed to start up their vaccination, and additionally get a code tattoo on their left ear. Through this code, people can turn to a register and ask who owns the stray. Not that my girls stray, but you never know. Our beloved Azrael disappeared without a trace over a year ago and I’m sad every day. The two times in my life when I turned to God, if there is one, was when Azrael disappeared and when I’d been locked up at the crazy house. They wouldn’t let me out. Losing Azrael still was the worst of the two. How I regret the young cat didn’t have a code tattoo!

The visit went well. We didn’t know how Viktor would react to being handled by strangers, poked with a needle, so we said they’d better watch out. He’s the most adorable social guy, but he’s strong and has some bad memories from before we adopted him that might kick in. It was heartbreaking to see my lovely beautiful Victor simply shake by fear, eyes open wide.

The sister cats of mine were brought home unconscious. Morticia, the girl who always tries to reach Mach 1 whatever she’s up to, woke up quickly and was allowed venture outdoors after being able to stand on her four legs for two hours. Decibel, her slightly older sister, was way more woozy and needed many more hours to feel fit again. As usual when she’s worried she demanded to stay in bed with me, under a cozy blanket. She says that’s the safest place in the world.

September 3 - Murray drunk in Stockholm

A week ago, Bill Murray thought he’d drive back to his hotel. Well, drive back there was a very slow and odd occurance, golf cart style. Things weren’t getting any better when it turned out he was a drunk driver. The police brought him in and said he’ll have to undergo a simple breath test, to show his level of intoxication. Murray declined and said he couldn’t do that, because the US laws doesn’t state he has to.

Okay... thing is, he was in our capital, Stockholm. As far as I know, we never applied US laws on anything. He did agree to undergo a blood test, and signed a form that said he would take the consequences if he was to be found guilty. The police said they never met a drunk driver, in the middle of the night, steering a golf cart in the heart of Stockholm. Add to that, a famous American actor. One big Swedish evening paper put it that “Murray’s been GhostBusted!” and I kinda appreciated that heading.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

September 1, 2007 - Listed on Wikipedia!

I just don't search for Ghostbusters on the web. As an exception, I got curios what sites Wikipedia suggest regarding "Real Ghostbusters". My always paranoid mind concluded that no one would point me out as being some useless bore, as personal attacks ought to be forbidden. Hoped that the Swedish version would suggest my site, as it's the after all, and whaddaya know... the link was there! I suspect the Wikipedia contributer had even looked at my site in order to complete his little description.

Somewhat confident, thinking I'm not all forgotten if the biggest search site displays my site, I thought I'd better check the omnipotent Mother of Swedish Wikipedia. Yeah, the English one. Can't hurt to see what the suggest sites are called.

First links of "Real Ghostbusters" were some official sites, but then things got really weird. First suggested site is the one belonging to Timo, the German guy I actually met. Hi, Timmy. Second one is PKE Online! They so must be kidding. This might be the reason why I got ssome serious hit boost some time ago. I have no idea what this suggests... it's just hard to comprehend. Given the aversion people have shown regarding foreign fans, I don't see why someone would pick a German and a Swedish site to top the list, right after the official ones.

Okay... hm... Occam's Razor trial... maybe Timo did it? Rain? Hi, Rain. Maybe. I don't get it. Checked Wikipedia again, and our sites are still there. So strange. There's something weird in the neighborhood...