December 29 - GB jacket
Got the black GB logo jacket I ordered off eBay in Great Britain. It was cheap but good quality, warm and nice. The logo on the back is big and seems solid. I'm wearing it now, together with my gold pendant of course. I still have no GB shoes. I don't think I want any. My boots will have to do. Maybe Slimer shoelace clip-on? That would look... gross.
Was supposed to go clean the kitty farm, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. There's a snow storm and maybe we can't take off to my parents tomorrow. We might have to wait one more day. They will throw a small birthday party for me.
Ordered five books off and was happy to find the Fisch novel, which is pretty much sold out everywhere. Then I ordered three more GB books and the "One hit wonderland" by Tony Hawks. I read his book about travelling around Ireland with a fridge and loved it, so I thought I must have the one where he makes a bet (again) that he'll write a top list song. Probably he made it, I don't know.
It's nice with all this snow. The day gets brighter.